Saturday, December 12, 2009
Baptism: a reminder of the future
Through baptism, we are taught/reminded that we will die. Without a sense of our mortality, we cannot live fully.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
translation error in John 5:39?
Something feels inconsistent to me in John 5:39 that I can't seem to articulate. The rest of the paragraph has a different feel to me. That verse sticks out. "One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong..." I wonder if I'll ever be able to see it clearly. I'd appreciate your thoughts.
in reference to: John 5 (view on Google Sidewiki)Tuesday, December 1, 2009
God as we understand God
There is no one on this planet who has a full knowledge of God. And there is no one on this planet who does not have some sense of God.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Second commandment
To love our neighbor as ourselves means we are willing to suffer for the shortcomings of our neighbors...and ourselves. There is much in us we cannot presently control or might best be described as simply unruly or uncivilized - unchristian. Maybe we must consider ourselves as our own neighbors.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
There is a difference between religious culture and religious doctrine. The culture is the map, the doctrine is the land.
Monday, February 9, 2009
We cannot overdose on the love of God. Everything else here - even air and water - can hurt us in excess.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Living Water
No stagnant water from our own minuscule, leaky, leaching cisterns can really quench another's thirst. The very best we can be is an aqueduct through which Living Water may be received that it may clean, heal, comfort, buoy, challenge, and literally give life. Of all things we consume, water is what we need the most. Living Water has no substitute. I hope to be the channel for as much of it as the Lord would have me be. Though it's frightening, I've decided to fill in my cistern. It doesn't help me any more than it helps others.
Reliance on God
I've heard so often that relying on God is abdication or weakness. If God isn't alive and involved, that would be true. Is relying on one's father a cop out?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Let's remember that we are far more like our children than we are like God. Parenting is far more like childhood than godhood. In the grand scheme, we have just about as much to learn as our children.
Image of God
It has been said that we were formed in God's image. My experience is that we are being formed in God's image. The shaping continues.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Home Teaching
I believe the real need is not more push on the priesthood holders - and current encouragement makes a difference and the benefits, in the context of the following, will grow tremendously under its influence. Here is the point: the training of the families is the most critical area at this point. "Receive the Holy Ghost." "Let Earth receive her King." D&C 84:36 (35-40 really) is essential. For all of our inconsequential (as Benjamin observed) giving, the real job is to receive. We need help receiving. Families have no idea how unique having a Home Teacher is. There is so much home teachers do now. There is so much more they can do. Not necessarily in more time (though it would be interesting to understand how much time is spent on average). Like the Atonement, families need to learn how to use the resources they've been given - including the price paid to make it available to them.
There is no quiet. God and Satan are always active. They are on the move now. They are filled with desires. Each wants us. What do we want? Ours is the power to answer that question. Yet our only power to achieve what we want is in our choice in who we follow. We get what we want by following the one that is headed in that direction. To whom are we listening right now? Who are we following - right now? Right now.
Monday, January 19, 2009
God gives us commandments to give us structure in which we can learn. The Atonement is central to this architecture.
Gifts to God
Could it be that, of all thing we could give up to God, He appreciates our sins the most? Given His love for us, could there be anything sweeter to Him? We love our sins - at least portions of them. That we give them up adds power and depth to our relationship with God.
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